I'm down 40 lbs today.
Things I'm having trouble keeping down is the food I eat! It's as if I've become a bulimic not by choice.
I made myself a big pot of black bean chili (no spiciness to speak of) and took some to work. I added a small flour tortilla to use mostly as a scooper, or a tiny wrapper, for the chili. Well, no sooner had I shoved in three spoonfuls with a tortilla chaser, than my belly said: "uh,no...this will not stay." I began to hiccup and then to burp and then I was running back and forth to the toilet until every last bit of what I had ingested was gone. Not too pleasant an experience for myself or my poor co-worker.
I forget that I'm only short of 2 months post-op and I may be trying to push down solid food a little too soon. I've invested in some yummy canned protein shakes from Trader Joe's and they will help me get over this period until my body is ready for stronger food.
Thanksgiving is tomorrow and that involves chicken's evil cousin: turkey. I bought a very small stuffed breast and some side accompaniments so, we'll see how it goes. The crabbers have not agreed on a selling price for Dungeness crab, so my dream of a crabby Thanksgiving are lying at the bottom of the ocean, saying their thanks for the delayed season.
Speaking of Thanksgiving, I would like to make my Declaration of Thanks for the following:
1. My husband, who despite not listening to what I tell him I would like for gifts (remember: sparkly, shiny, fits on an earlobe, a wrist, a finger or around a neck) takes very good care of me, can be the voice I don't want to hear at times, but always makes me laugh. Thanks for putting out that personals ad, Magic Man.
2. My sister, my best friend who listens to me, consoles me, advises me and drinks my left-over cocktails and has not become an alcoholic. Can't wait for Vegas!
3. My family that is so far away. Thank you for keeping me in your hearts.
5. All my friends who have supported me thick and thin, long and short. You keep me honest and smiling.
6. My dogs, Noodles and Butter, who make me laugh all the time, keep my lap warm, give me unsolicited kisses and just for the cuteness factor, which kills me every time!
7. My surgeon, who somehow got in a position to get this surgery done sooner than later (before I changed my mind!).
8. I want to add my work, but it's so dysfunctional and petty most of the time, it's hard to give thanks for that, but while so many are out of work, I am thankful I have an income which allows me my travel plans and ability to buy what I want, not just what I need. Also for teaching me a new set of skills in an entirely different field.
I would like to thank all of you who read this and wish you peace, beauty and abundance in your lives.
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